SupportSuspend my membership

Suspend my membership

If you want to stop riding for a period of time but do not want to cancel, you have the option of pausing your monthly Revolution membership during the months you are not riding. Please note, pausing is not applicable to the annual Revolution membership. See below for details.


To pause your membership, simply go to the “My Account” tab in the “My In&box” application on your smartphone. There you will find a tab entitled “Monthly Revolution Membership”, just click on the “Suspend” button.

You will then access a menu with a drop-down list asking you if you wish to suspend your subscription (1, 2, 3 or 4 months). Your pause request must be made within 30 days prior to the renewal date of your monthly Revolution membership .

Pause my In&motion membership
Pause my In&motion membership

⚠ CAUTION : You can choose the duration of the pause : 1 month (minimum), up to 4 months (maximum). Pausing your subscription can be activated whenever you want and is calculated on a rolling year. Please note that if you are a beneficiary of a current offer and you pause your membership, when the pause ends, any previous offer will end and you will be billed at the standard rate.

During this time, all the features of your airbag system will be disabled. You can keep your In&box but it will not be functional and your airbag system will not activate in case of a fall. During the suspension period your membership is €4 / month instead of €12 / month. If you have a monthly track option, this is included in the suspension of your membership (in this case your membership drops to €4 / month instead of €20 / month).

It is also possible to resume your subscription during the pause ,  please refer to this article !

For example :

If you wish to suspend your monthly Revolution membership for 3 months and you subscribed for the first time on June 17, 2019, your membership is therefore deducted on the 17th of each month. In this case, you should proceed as follows:

Suspension is now simpler, less restrictive and cheaper: you no longer need to cancel and pay shipping costs to return your In&box during the months you are not using it. However, if you wish to terminate your membership permanently or suspend it for a period longer than 4 months, please refer to this article.

With the suspension, the reactivation of your membership is automatic at the end of the months on pause, and you no longer need to subscribe to a new membership to reactivate your system.

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