Refer your friends and family and save up to three years’ membership!
Now, In&motion offers the possibility to sponsor up to twelve people to get them equipped with In&motion airbag technology.
Whether it is your passenger, a friend of your motorcycle club or a member of your family, thanks to you they will be able to enjoy 3 months free In&motion membership.
How do I benefit from a referral?
- If you are signed up to an annual Revolution formula, the amount of €30 for each activated referral
will be deducted on your next payment date. - If you are signed up to a monthly Revolution formula, for each activated sponsorship you
receive 3 months free (excluding options). - If you bought your In&box using the classic formula, only your friend benefits from a
discount (see below).
How do I benefit from a referral?
- €30 discount on any subscription to an annual Revolution membership
- 3 months free (3x€12) for any subscription to a monthly Revolution membership (excluding options)
- €30 discount on any subscription to a Regular membership.
How does referral work?
Where do I find my referral code?
You can find this referral code directly in your My In&box application (“My account > Sponsorship” tab) or in your account profile (“Sponsor a friend” tab). Next , share the code with your friend.
WhAt conditions must be met to benefit from the referral offer?
• If your friend asserts their right of withdrawal (applicable within 14 days after activation of the offer), you won’t benefit from the discount. In this case, as a sponsor you can only benefit from up to 3 referral discounts.
- You can have a maximum of 12 referrals and therefore accumulate 12 discounts. If 12 referrals activate their offer, you will have up to 3 years of free membership.
- Only people signing up to In&motion for the first time can be referred.
- As a sponsor, if you decide to suspend your subscription during the discount period, the offer is cumulative so you will not have to pay any fee.
• As a sponsor, referral offers can be combined with other In&motion offers (insurance, other
promotions, etc.).
• As a recipient, if you decide to suspend your subscription during the discount period, the offer
is not cumulative so you will have to pay €4 per month.”
• As a recipient, referral offers cannot be combined with other In&motion offers (insurance,
other promotions, etc.).